本当に美味しいお肉を出会って欲しい。自分好みのお肉を追求したい方、心から喜ばれるお肉を贈り物にしたい方。あなたの願いをHERO BEEFは実現します。厳選した最上ランクの近江和牛をお肉のプロが徹底した品質管理の元、1頭丸ごとタイまで運び入れています。鮮度を維持した上質な和牛は、あなたに最高の美味しさをご提供します。
We want you to experience truly delicious meat. For those who seek their ideal meat and for those who want to give the gift of joy through meat, HERO BEEF makes your wishes come true. We bring in carefully selected top-grade Omi wagyu, transported whole from Japan to Thailand under rigorous quality control by meat professionals. Maintaining freshness, this premium wagyu offers you the ultimate deliciousness.
しかし、本当に美味しい和牛はまだわずかしか出会うことができません。黒毛和牛は、日本人の人柄や生産者の人柄がストレートにでてくる食材。大事に育てられた牛が美味しいお肉と考えています。HERO BEEFでは品質や格付けはもちろん、大事に丁寧に育てられた牛肉にこだわります。本当に美味しい和牛を食べた時、今までにない未知の体験にあなたは感動するでしょう。
In recent years, various Japanese beef brands have been sold in countries around the world. However, truly delicious Japanese beef is still rare to come by. Wagyu reflects the personality of the Japanese people and the producers in a straightforward way. We believe that cattle raised with care produce delicious meat. At HERO BEEF, we prioritize not only quality and grading but also cattle that are raised with care and dedication. When you taste truly delicious Japanese beef, you will be moved by an unprecedented experience.